IBU in beer

IBU, or international bitterness units, is a measure of the bitterness in beer. IBU is calculated by measuring the amount of alpha acids in the hops used to brew the beer. Alpha acids are naturally occurring compounds in hops that give beer its characteristic bitterness.

Beers with an IBU of less than 20 are considered to be low in bitterness. Beers with an IBU of 20 to 40 are considered to be medium in bitterness. Beers with an IBU of 40 or more are considered to be high in bitterness. Excessive bitterness can be perceived as astringent, dry, or even harsh.

It’s important to note that IBUs are only one measure of bitterness. Other factors that can affect the bitterness of beer include the type of hops used, the amount of hops used, and the brewing process.

There are a few factors that can affect the IBU of a beer, including:

  • The type of hops used: Some hops, such as Simcoe and Cascade, have higher alpha acid content than others.
  • The amount of hops used: The more hops used, the higher the IBU.
  • The length of time the hops are boiled: The longer the hops are boiled, the more alpha acids will be extracted.
  • The fermentation temperature: Higher fermentation temperatures can reduce IBU.

IBU and flavor

IBU can affect the flavor of beer in a number of ways, but is not the only factor that affects the taste of beer. Malt sweetness, fruitiness, and carbonation can also play a role. Different IBU bring bitterness to the beer that can balance out the sweetness of the malts. It can also add a complexity to the flavor of the beer. Some might even say that it has a significant impact on the taste of beer. A dark beer with a high IBU may not taste as bitter as a light beer with a lower IBU. This is because dark malts have a natural sweetness that can mask the bitterness of the hops.

In general, the following beer styles have the following IBU ranges:

Beer StyleTypical IBU Range
Wheat Beer10-30
Sour Beer10-50
Pale Ale30-50


IBUs are a useful tool for understanding the bitterness of beer. However, it’s important to remember that other factors can also affect the bitterness of beer. It can help you to find a beer that is the right balance of bitterness for your taste. Ultimately, the best way to determine how much IBU you like is to experiment with different beers. Try a variety of the same style of beers with different IBUs to see what you prefer.

Have fun! Beer is meant to be enjoyed. So relax, sit back, and enjoy a cold one.

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